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Data Source: 2018-2022 American Community Survey
This map shows the percentage of income-eligible households for the Low-Income Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) in Washington along with the percentage of households who own their home. The U.S. Congress initially funded WAP in 1976 to reduce weatherization project costs for low-income households. Eligibility for WAP is 200% of Federal Poverty Level (FPL) or 60% of State Median Income (SMI), whichever is higher. This map shows eligibility based on FPL.
The percentage of federal income-eligible households in Northwestern communities varies significantly by state. For example, the average percentage of WAP income-eligible households is 24% of households in Washington communities. Conversely, the average percentage of WAP income-eligible homes is 32% in Montana communities. Average WAP income-eligible percentages in Oregon and Idaho fall between Washington and Montana, at 29% of households in Oregon communities and 31% in Idaho communities.
Additional factors are associated with WAP, such as renter-owner agreements or homeownership. Because renter agreements are less common, this map includes homeownership in addition to income eligibility.
The map is divided into census tracts, which are color-coded to show the community-level relationship between the percentage of households meeting the federal income eligibility requirements for WAP and the percentage of households who own their home. Black lines indicate counties, and red lines indicate Tribal Lands.
The darkest green (top center square in the legend) indicates communities with both a high percentage of households meeting the income eligibility requirements for WAP and high percentage of homeownership.
The blue (right corner square) indicates communities with a high percentage of homeownership but a low percentage of households meeting WAP income eligibility requirements, while the light green (left corner square) shows communities with a low percentage of homeownership but a high percentage of WAP income-eligible households.
Lastly, the light yellow (bottom center square) shows areas with a low percentage of households meeting WAP income eligibility and a low percentage of homeowners.
Note: The white area between Yakima County and Franklin County is Hanford, a decommissioned nuclear production site where no one is permitted to live within 35 miles.
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